Monday, January 16, 2012

Ooops...9 months (in a few days)

Well, it seems that I have left my three devoted blog fans hanging and I didn't realize that I haven't been on here since October!  Wow, I feel like such a slacker now.  I was going to be a great blogger and have lots of fans.  I will do better, probably.  Now, onto what you really want to hear little sweet po-ta-toe. 

Abby Grace will be 9 months old on the 20th.  I can hardly believe that this much time has gone by.  I am just going to talk about her and then post some pictures at the end...hope that works for ya'll.  My girl is getting so big.  She weighed 19.6lbs in December, but due to sickness lost down to 18.1 in just 2 days.  I feel like she is doing a good job of gaining it back though, seeing as she eats anything you put in front of her.  When I say anything, I mean anything: eggs, cabbage, carrots, peas, crackers, potatoes, especially black olives, onion, tomato, she loves steak, literally anything. 

Since the last time I posted her hair has gotten 99% thicker.  I just glanced at those photos and it is amazing how much it has changed in just these short months.  We have also been through 4 holidays.  We skipped Halloween this year (she will never know and it was too cold to take her out). 

I tell you this child is racing through her milestones.  At 9 months she is walking about 10ft., sometimes more, at a time, eating mostly table food, drinking out of a straw, transferring items from one hand to the other like she has always known how, and generally rocking it.  I wish that you all could see her crawl and those that have know how funny her little crab walk is.  The crab walk originated when this little mover couldn't get good enough traction on hardwood floors and since everywhere she goes has hardwood...the crab crawl emerged. 

Abby Grace loves to give kisses.  I am going to try my hand at uploading a video at the end here where you can see her give mommy kisses while eating a marshmallow (horrible I know, my dad gave it to her, she loves her papa's!).  She will grab my face with both hands and plant on right on my cheek and then blow a big raspberry as a follow through.  Today she gave me my first hug.  It was by far one of the sweetest things I have ever experienced. 

We had a good Thanksgiving and Christmas, although we spent the day after Christmas at the doctor's office and the rest of the week working our way through three different viruses and two teeth.  Yes, Abby Grace got her two front teeth for Christmas and now she is a cracker eating machine.  That child is going to turn into a Ritz.  We kept Christmas very low key this year and carried on a tradition from my childhood that I hope we can use to help instill God's love in our little girl.  On Christmas Eve we hosted the first ever Head household Happy Birthday Baby Jesus Party.  It was a hit as far as I could tell, we ate taco ring and rice and beans then we sang happy birthday and blew out about 20 candles for Baby Jesus.  The girls (cousin Layla came over) loved it! 

We spent Christmas morning with Matt's family and the afternoon with mine.  It was so fun to see Abby Grace enjoy the holiday.  Although, we could have bought her a bag of press on bows and she would have been happy for weeks.  She tore the bow off of every present under our tree.  I know you are all saying...WHAT!  You used press on bows?  I can't believe such a wonderful house keeper and trendsetter like you would do say the least my present wrapping skills have failed me in recent years.   I used to spend hours wrapping gifts and fashioning bows, but that was my past.  Maybe in the future it will return, for now, press on bows make my baby happy. 

Matt gave Abby Grace her first piece of jewelry for Christmas and I adored it, a silver bangle that she now wears 24/7. In case you were wondering....we are waiting until she is old enough to ask to have her ears pierced before embarking on that adventure.  That is the way my mom did it and we all had our ears pierced around the age of 4.  We will see how long it takes.

We spent the new year with good friends having a cook out and telling stories about years gone by.  Abby Grace was still working on those two front teeth so she wasn't too thrilled about the whole experience, but a little potato salad made that better.  She had gas for two days, but it kept her quiet while we were in a crowd. 

We have spent the first 16 days of the new year living life.  In that time Abby Grace has started walking farther and farther.  She is getting really brave and loves the cheering that takes place after she makes it across the room.  She is showing more and more interest in dolls and stuffed animals as the days go by, currently we are attached to a rabbit and a red corduroy bear, but favorite of all it the blanket.  We take it every where we go because all she has to do is see it and she is calm.  I love the blanket. 

We have our 9 month check up on Jan. 30th.  I will try and do better about posting stats and not rambling so much next time I post.  Enjoy the photos!

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

Stick on bow thief.

Climbing the stairs

Just too cute!

"Good things come in small packages"

Her Christmas dress.

Such a happy girl to be waiting to see the doctor

What I find when I go to get her from her naps now.

A few smooches for you...

This one really shows her personality and you can see how much she has changed from late October to now in it.
Our Happy Birthday Baby Jesus home-made decorations.