Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost 5 Months...

Almost 5 months....that's how long it took for this super-dee-duper cute outfit to finally fit my child, we got to wear it once which makes me sad because it's mudpie and some of you know that = $$$.  I didn't pay for it, but someone did.  And, no, it doesn't have a random snap on it, there is a rather large flower that goes there and we took it off for play time purposes.
Anyways, my big girl started sitting up unassisted this week.  She thinks she is all that and a bag of chips when she does it too.  So cute!  She has also started scooting backwards and pulling up on everything (fingers, pants legs, the front of your shirt when your not paying attention, etc...).  I can't believe how much she has grown. 
We all enjoyed a wonderful cookout for a wonderful couple last weekend and last night we had dinner with our friend Bejamin.  His mom made THE BEST dinner that I have had in a while, homemade pizza that was dairy and soy free, a major accomplishment on her part, but oh so delicious on mine!  I can't thank Naomi enough for her thoughtfulness.  Benjamin is a real cutie and I am working on teaching Abby Grace to call him Benny Bear, like Kate Hudson in how to lose a guy in 10 days, just cause it's funny.  We are really encouraging their friendship because we as mom's of kids 2 weeks apart like to hang out and compare horror stories and triumphs.

Bad picture, but you can see how cute they are together.  It's hard to take a picture of someone who isn't very good at sitting up (wobble, wobble). 

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!  We will be back with the 5 month update next week!

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