Thursday, August 23, 2012

13 months

I have 4 followers!! January I only had 3.  I don't really know how I gained 1 follower since then because I haven't posted, but thank you.  I am really bad at this.  I think about blogging and then I decide to sleep or play outside or something else way more fun that being on the computer. 

I started this blog to keep folks up-to-date on my sweet little tato.  (pronounced like the last part of potato)  She is 13 months old now and a blast!  We are having so much fun already and isn't even officially summer yet.  Since I got out of school in mid-April (and don't have to go back until August, for only 8 more classes!!!!!) we have been staying pretty busy.  We've had Abby Grace's first birthday party, been to two weddings, had strepthroat and herpangina, are getting two incisors, have been to the "beach" at Lake Hartwell with cousin Layla, went to the awesome Mountain Laurel Festival, and so much more.

I am going to hit on a few of these items right off.  First and fore most, Abby Grace said  Mama for the first time last Saturday morning.  I was so proud.  Since my last post Abby Grace has grown a good bit.  She is now 22.6lbs and tall enough to reach the top of the kitchen and bathroom counters, unfortunately.  She is in to everything, but understands what "put that back where you got it" means, thankfully.  She does not understand the word "no".  "No" essintially means keep doing what you are doing and run away from any adult as fast as you can.  How fun!  Abby Grace as you may notice from my 11 posts in 1 year (that's almost 1 a month, except most of them were right in the beginning :)) stays sick a good bit of the time.  We watch her for any little symptom at this point, but for some reason, despite breast feeding, an awesome diet, and other factors she still is a human sponge for germs.  Her latest germ was herpangina.  A virus much like hand, foot, and mouth that causes white patches in the mouth and high fever.  She didn't eat or drink for about 3 days and we almost had to go to the hospital, but she gave it up and took a sippy cup full of gatorade right after we left the doctor's office and being told she HAD to go to the bathroom again before bedtime. 

We are all better now, but still on antibiotics after round of strep throat this week.  We both had it, yay!  On to more exciting things.  Abby Grace LOVES the water.  She plays in the sprinkler and we recently invested $11 in a kiddy pool for the front yard.  It's a big hit and helps us to stay out of the house on the weekend when Matt needs his beauty sleep.  Abby Grace also got a new sand box for her birthday and that keeps her pretty busy.  At our 1 year check-up the Dr. reminded me again how smart she is and how hard I am going to have to work to keep her stimulated.  Currently we are working on colors and shapes, however she is much more intersted in running away with whatever I am using as an example and hiding it than she is in picking out the "red one".  She can show you her nose or your nose, but will not point to the mouth, noses are just way to distracting I guess.    The game we play most often is putting one object into another object and putting the lid on containers. 

I am going to stop boring you with details and get on to the fun part! 

At Abby Grace's 1st Birthday Party with Layla and Kasidee

Eating Cake at her 1st Birthday
***I just found this in drafts (8/23/2012).  I think I stopped working on it b/c the pictures were making me so mad. ***

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